Structural calculation is the study discipline that allows you to safely design structures of different sizes and degrees of complexity. This discipline basically indicates the tools to solve the mechanical engineering problems of structures.
For the design and structural calculation in the ministerial decree of January 14, 2008 (Ministerial Decree 2008) the technical standards for construction are illustrated, or rather the set of rules governing the design, execution and verification of new buildings.
The purpose of the 2008 Ministerial Decree is to ensure public safety through the discipline of the calculation and verification indications of the buildings and the establishment of a specific set of rules for the design and implementation of new buildings.
One of the most used methods for structural calculation is FEM analysis.
One of the services that FL can deploy is the Fem analysis; this service is not carried out directly within the company but is carried out in outsourcing thanks to the ten-year collaboration with qualified firms in the sector.
But what is FEM analysis (or finite element method ) and what are the advantages of structural design ? First of all it must be clarified that, in engineering, this analysis allows to calculate the structural behavior of a given system starting from physical and mathematical simulations. These simulations start from approximate solutions able to cover as much as possible of the possible behavioral scenarios of the structure.
The main feature of the finite element method is the subdivision , through the creation of a grid (mesh) composed of primitives (finite elements) of coded form (triangles and quadrilaterals), the main model in small elements of which it is possible to analyze more easily behavior.