FL has a qualified team able to support the customer in every phase of the mechanical design process. After the drafting of the executive project or even after the delivery of the finished product (in the event that FL has also taken care of the production), the consultancy phase of FL becomes strategic and functional to the success of the design operation.
The importance of technical assistance
Technical assistance, essential for the assembly and testing of the machines of our project, is a service that goes from pre-prototyping to the use of the production plant.
Here, in order to provide the customer with a complete and "turnkey" service , FL supplies internally or outsourced the calculations of the finite elements, structural and verification of mechanical parts in general; the transformation of historical, paper or two-dimensional archives into 3D models with related customized properties; olid and superficial modeling with the most widely used software on the market for mechanical design as well as the production of safety manuals, operating manuals, assembly instructions and catalogs to be associated with the finished product.
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